Funny little story from last night. The kids were all in bed asleep and Chuck and I were ready to go to bed ourselves. I went to the laundry room to get something. As I passed Adaline's doorway I heard something that sounded like crinkling plastic. Initially I thought maybe she woke up and was climbing out of her bed (even though that wasn't the same sound.) As I looked into her doorway, it looked like a figure was standing there, but it was dark and my eyes weren't adjusted to the dark. As I looked closer, Stewart emerged from her doorway and started down the hall. He was clearly sleepwalking and immediately I knew what I had heard. I asked Chuck who was also now in the hall to steer Stewart to the bathroom, while I turned on a light. Sure enough, while sleepwalking, Stewart had gone into Adaline's bedroom and peed into the trash can (remember- I heard crinkling plastic- yep.) Unfortunately his aim wasn't so hot, but we got it cleaned up off the wall, dresser and carpet.
So why is this all in the family? It reminded Chuck and I of the stories of his brother Cletus who would sleepwalk and pee into the toy closet. I'm grateful Stewart was trying to at least aim into a trash can instead of a closet full of toys!